Jeg har et abonnement med udlandsdata. Hvad betyder det?
Et abonnement med udlandsdata er perfekt for dig der rejser meget, da du kan tale og surfe i hele EU, uden det koster ekstra. Med vores World abonnement kan du desuden tage al din udlandsdata med til både Tyrkiet, Thailand og USA!
Du kan desuden bruge al din tale og den frie sms/mms i Norden, Baltikum samt Schweiz, Færøerne og Storbritannien. Derudover kan du bruge en del af din inkluderede data i EU samt Schweiz, Færøerne og Storbritannien.

Overblik over indhold og data
For at give dig maksimal tryghed på rejsen, har vi lavet en sms-tjeneste, der er gratis i EU, så du nemt kan få et overblik over dit dataforbrug.
Hvor kan jeg roame?
Få et overblik over lande der er inkluderet i dit abonnement ved at sende en sms med teksten LANDE til 81 111.
Hvor ser jeg mit forbrug?
Du kan altid få et overblik over dit forbrug og inkluderet data, ved at sende en sms med teksten FORBRUG til 81 111.
Sms-tjenesterne er gratis i EU.
(4 kr. pr. sms i resten af verden).

Undgå kæmpe regning, når du rejser
Du kan sætte en beløbsgrænse for dit dataforbrug, når du rejser til et land, der ikke er med i dit abonnement. Så skal du ikke bekymre dig om at bruge for mange penge på data. Du kan vælge mellem fem definerede grænser.
Sms ”dit beløb” til 81 111
• 450 sætter en beløbsgrænse på 450 kr. om måneden
• 1000 sætter en beløbsgrænse på 1.000 kr. om måneden
• 2500 sætter en tilsvarende beløbsgrænse
• 5000 …
• 25000 …
Hvis du vil kende din beløbgrænse, send 'Saldo' til 81 111.

Se, hvor du kan roame
Du kan bruge dit mobilabonnement med EU data i følgende lande:
Belgien, Bulgarien, Cypern (inkl. græsk del, ekskl. tyrkisk del), Estland, Finland, Frankrig (Fransk Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion), Færøerne, Grækenland, Holland, Island, Irland, Italien, Kroatien, Letland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxembourg, Malta, Norge, Polen, Portugal (inkl. Azorerne og Madeira) Rumænien, San Marino, Schweiz, Slovakiet, Slovenien, Spanien (Ceuta, De Kanariske Øer, Melilla), Storbritannien (inkl. Gibraltar, ekskl. Guernsey, Isle of Man og Jersey), Sverige, Tjekkiet, Tyskland, Ungarn og Østrig.
(World-mobilabonnement: Også Tyrkiet, Thailand og USA)

World mobilabonnement
Vores World mobilabonnement er perfekt til dig, der planlægger at rejse til Tyrkiet, Thailand eller USA. Du kan nemlig nyde godt af hele 25 EU GB, som du både kan benytte dig af i 43 europæiske lande, og på de tre populære feriedestinationer. Derudover kan du naturligvis bruge al din tale og den frie sms/mms i hele Norden, Baltikum samt i Schweiz, Færøerne og Storbritannien.
Med dit World mobilabonnement kan du også slå dig løs med FRI tale samt hele 80 GB data – så er du garanteret timevis af surf og streaming.
Er du allerede Call me-kunde, kan du nemt skifte dit abonnement til et World-abonnement på Mit Call me.
Priser i udlandet
Vælg land:
Danmark til udlandet
Her kan du se priserne på opkald fra Danmark til udlandet
Alle priser er inkl. moms.
Priser for tale er pr. min. og for sms pr. stk.
Priser pr. påbegyndt minut. Priserne gælder ikke udenlandske særnumre og særtjenester.
Land |
Mobil tale |
Fastnet tale |
Afghanistan |
1,89 |
1,89 |
4,00 |
Alaska (USA) |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Albanien |
3,60 |
3,60 |
4,00 |
Algeriet |
3,39 |
3,39 |
4,00 |
Andorra |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
Angola |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Anguilla |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Argentina |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Armenien |
3,60 |
3,60 |
4,00 |
Aruba |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Ascension |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Australien |
0,90 |
0,90 |
4,00 |
Azerbaijan |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Bahamas |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Bahrain |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Bangladesh |
0,35 |
0,35 |
4,00 |
Barbados |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Belgien |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Belize |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Benin |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Bermuda |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Bhutan |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Bolivia |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Bosnien-Herzegovina |
2,89 |
2,89 |
4,00 |
Botswana |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Brasil |
1,80 |
1,80 |
4,00 |
Brunei Darussalam |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Bulgarien |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Burkina Faso |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Burundi |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Cameroun |
2,69 |
2,69 |
4,00 |
Canada |
3,60 |
3,60 |
4,00 |
Cape Verde |
12,60 |
12,60 |
2,02 |
Chile |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Colombia |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Comorene og Mayotte |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Cook-øerne |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Costa Rica |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Cuba |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Cypern (Græsk del) |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
De Amerikanske Jomfruøer (USA) |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
De Forenede Arabiske Emirater |
1,35 |
1,35 |
4,00 |
Den Centralafrikanske Republik |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Den demokratiske republik Congo |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Den demokratiske republik Congo |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Den Demokratiske Republik Østtimor |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Den Dominikanske Republik |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Diego Garcia |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Djibouti |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Dominica |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Ecuador |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Egypten |
5,00 |
5,00 |
4,00 |
El Salvador |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Elfenbenskysten |
2,89 |
2,89 |
4,00 |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Equatorial Guinea |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Eritrea |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Estland |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Eswatini (tidligere Swaziland) |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Etiopien |
2,25 |
2,25 |
4,00 |
Falklandsøerne |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Fiji |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Filippinerne |
1,35 |
1,35 |
4,00 |
Finland |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
FN (Forenede Nationer) |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Frankrig |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Fransk Polynesien |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Færøerne |
3,60 |
3,60 |
0,56 |
Gambia |
6,59 |
6,59 |
4,00 |
Georgien |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Ghana |
2,79 |
2,79 |
4,00 |
Gibraltar |
3,60 |
3,60 |
0,55 |
Grækenland |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Grønland |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
GSMM - Globalstar |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Guadeloupe |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Guatemala |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Guinea |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Guinea-Bissau |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Guyana |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Haiti |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Hawaii (USA) |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Holland |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Honduras |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Hong Kong |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
Hviderusland |
3,60 |
3,60 |
4,00 |
Indien |
0,45 |
0,45 |
4,00 |
Indonesien |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Int. Network Intermatica |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Irak |
1,39 |
1,39 |
4,00 |
Iran |
1,19 |
1,19 |
4,00 |
Iridium |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Irland |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Island |
3,60 |
3,60 |
0,57 |
Israel |
0,90 |
0,90 |
4,00 |
Italien |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Jamaica |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Japan |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
Jersey |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Jordan |
1,09 |
1,09 |
4,00 |
Kambodia |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Kasakhstan |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Kenya |
1,09 |
1,09 |
4,00 |
Kina |
0,80 |
0,80 |
4,00 |
Kirgisistan |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Kiribati |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Kosovo |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Kroatien |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Kuwait |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Laos |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Lesotho |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Letland |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Libanon |
1,35 |
1,35 |
4,00 |
Liberia |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Libyen |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Liechtenstein |
3,60 |
3,60 |
0,55 |
Litauen |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Luxembourg |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Macao |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
Madagaskar |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Makedonien |
3,60 |
3,60 |
4,00 |
Malawi |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Malaysia |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
Maldiverne |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Mali |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Malta |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Marokko |
3,39 |
3,39 |
4,00 |
Marshalløerne |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Martinique |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Mauretanien |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Mauritius |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Mexico |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Mikronesien |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Moldavien |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Monaco (ikke del af Frankrig) |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Mongoliet |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Montenegro |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Montserrat |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Mozambique |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Myanmar |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Namibia |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Nauru |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Nederlandske Antiller |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Nepal |
1,80 |
1,80 |
4,00 |
New Zealand |
2,70 |
2,70 |
4,00 |
Nicaragua |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Niger |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Nigeria |
0,90 |
0,90 |
4,00 |
Niue |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Nordkorea |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Norge |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Ny Kaledonien |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Oman |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Pakistan |
0,79 |
0,79 |
4,00 |
Palau |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Palæstina |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Panama |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Papua Ny Guinea |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Paraguay |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Peru |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Polen |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Portugal |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Puerto Rico |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Qatar |
2,70 |
2,70 |
4,00 |
Réunion |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Rumænien |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Rusland |
1,29 |
1,29 |
4,00 |
Rwanda |
2,49 |
2,49 |
4,00 |
Saint Lucia |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Saint-Pierre og Miquelon |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Salomonøerne |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Samoa |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
San Marino |
1,77 |
1,77 |
4,00 |
São Tomé og Príncipe |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Satellite Network Thuraya |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Saudi-Arabien |
1,80 |
1,80 |
4,00 |
Schweiz |
3,60 |
3,60 |
0,66 |
Senegal |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Serbien |
1,80 |
1,80 |
4,00 |
Seychellerne |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Sierra Leone |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Singapore |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
Slovakiet |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Slovenien |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Somalia |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Spanien |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Sri Lanka |
1,09 |
1,09 |
4,00 |
Storbritannien |
3,60 |
3,60 |
0,58 |
Sudan |
1,89 |
1,89 |
4,00 |
Surinam |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Sverige |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Sydafrika |
2,25 |
2,25 |
4,00 |
Sydkorea |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
Sydsudan |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Syrien |
2,39 |
2,39 |
4,00 |
Tadsjikistan |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Taiwan |
7,60 |
7,60 |
4,00 |
Tanzania |
2,39 |
2,39 |
4,00 |
Tchad |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Thailand |
0,38 |
0,38 |
4,00 |
Tjekkiet |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Togo |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Tokelau |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Tonga |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Trinidad og Tobago |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Tunesien |
4,89 |
4,89 |
4,00 |
Turkmenistan |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Tuvalu |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Tyrkiet |
0,90 |
0,90 |
4,00 |
Tyskland |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Uganda |
3,09 |
3,09 |
4,00 |
Ukraine |
1,89 |
1,89 |
0,04 |
Ungarn |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Uruguay |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
0,45 |
0,45 |
4,00 |
Uzbekistan |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Vanuatu |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Venezuela |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Vietnam |
0,59 |
0,59 |
4,00 |
Yemen |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Zambia |
4,89 |
4,89 |
4,00 |
Zimbabwe |
12,60 |
12,60 |
4,00 |
Østrig |
1,75 |
1,75 |
0,55 |
Jeg har brugt al min inkluderede EU-data. Hvad nu?
Du kan være ganske rolig, når du bruger mobilen i udlandet. For at give dig maksimal tryghed på din rejse, vil der automatisk blive blokeret for brug af data, hvis du når dit dataloft. Vi vil desuden give dig besked, når du har brugt 80 % af din inkluderede data.
Hvis du opbruger al den EU-data, der er inkluderet i dit abonnement, men ønsker mere data, kan du tilkøbe en eller flere datapakker, som gælder resten af din regningsperiode.
Ønsker du at lave ændringer til dit abonnement, kan du altid gøre dette på selvbetjeningen.
Jeg rejser uden for EU, Norden og Baltikum. Hvad er priserne?
Dit EU-abonnement dækker ikke dit forbrug, hvis du rejser uden for EU, Norden og Baltikum (World-mobilabonnement dækker dog også i Tyrkiet, Thailand og USA). Her betaler du i stedet for den data, de opkald eller de sms’er/mms’er, som du skriver.
Ang. Ukraine
Call me fortsætter med markant nedsatte priser, indtil videre besked:
Data: 0,02 kr./MB
Modtaget opkald: 0,00 kr./min.
SMS/MMS: 0,04 kr./stk.
Opkald fra Danmark til Ukraine: 0,47 kr./min.
Opkald til Danmark fra Ukraine: 0,65 kr./min.
Har du et DK-abonnement, kan du finde svar på spørgsmål vedrørende udlandstelefoni her.
Information for SOS-tjenester, special-numre, osv.
Telia (as well as Callme and Mit Tele) does not assume responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided hereinafter in this database. The database is coordinated and updated by BEREC and relevant national supervisory authority.
Telia (samt Callme og Mit Tele) påtager sig ikke ansvaret for, at indholdet af den nedenstående database er præcist og korrekt. Databasen bliver koordineret og opdateret af BEREC (Sammenslutningen af Europæiske Tilsynsmyndigheder inden for Elektronisk Kommunikation) og relevante nationale tilsynsmyndigheder.
Premium-rate numbers
Country | Country Code | Code identifying the range | Name/ Description | Roaming Tariff | Additional Information |
AT | 43 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | premium rate services (pay per call) | |
AT | 43 | 901 | Premium-Rate numbers | premium rate services (billing by time) | |
AT | 43 | 930 | Premium-Rate numbers | premium rate services (pay per call) | |
AT | 43 | 931 | Premium-Rate numbers | premium rate services (billing by time) | |
AT | 43 | 939 | Premium-Rate numbers | premium rate services (pay per call) | |
AT | 43 | 118 | Premium-Rate numbers | telephone directory enquiry services (pay per call). short code, the number can only be reached if the the shortcode is entered without country code | |
AT | 43 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
AT | 43 | 810 | Other | services with regulated maximum fees (pay per call) | |
AT | 43 | 820 | Other | services with regulated maximum fees (pay per call) | |
AT | 43 | 821 | Other | services with regulated maximum fees (billing per time) | |
AT | 43 | 828 | Other | SMS services and voice hotline to SMS service | |
BE | 32 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 78 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 70 | Other | Low cost premium rate service | |
BE | 32 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 901 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 902 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 903 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 904 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 905 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 906 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 907 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 908 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BE | 32 | 909 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
BG | 359 | 700 | Other | Personal number services | |
BG | 359 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
BG | 359 | 90 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium-rate services | |
CY | 357 | 77 | Premium-Rate numbers | Added value services | |
CY | 357 | 809 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
CY | 357 | 909 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
CY | 357 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
CY | 357 | 13 | Other | Added value services with the exeption of free calls - universal service/ special social interest numbers) | |
CY | 357 | 15 | Other | Added value services with the exeption of free calls - universal service/ special social interest numbers) | |
CY | 357 | 19 | Other | Added value services with the exeption of free calls - universal service/ special social interest numbers) | |
CY | 357 | 14 | Other | Added value services with the exeption of free calls - universal service/ special social interest numbers) | |
CY | 357 | 17 | Other | Added value services with the exeption of free calls - universal service/ special social interest numbers) | |
CY | 357 | 999 | Premium-Rate numbers | With the exception of range 8000-8999 which is free of charge | |
CZ | 420 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 81 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 83 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 84 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 905 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 906 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 908 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 909 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
CZ | 420 | 118 | Other | Short code for directory enquiry services | |
CZ | 420 | 12 | Other | Short code for services for disabled, social and health services, fallback emergencies, information services | |
CZ | 420 | 14 | Other | Short code for services for disabled, social, health, assistance, and security services | |
CZ | 420 | 95 | Other | Private communications networks | |
CZ | 420 | 98 | Other | Virtual private networks | |
DE | 49 | 115 | Other | National tariff: Usually as calls to geographic numbers | Single government service telephone number / Under this phone number, a quick and uncomplicated first contact with the services of the entire public administration in Germany is possible. More complex questions will be forwarded to the responsible unit. |
DE | 49 | 116 | Other | National tariff: Free of charge. Roaming is possible. Roaming calls may be charged. | Numbers for harmonised services of social value / Numbers enable EU citizens to access certain services of high social value in all Member States under a single, recognizable telephone number. |
DE | 49 | 1371 | Other | National tariff: 14 ct/call | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 1372 | Other | National tariff: 14 ct/min | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 1373 | Other | National tariff: 14 ct/min | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 1374 | Other | National tariff: 14 ct/min | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 1375 | Other | National tariff: 14 ct/call | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 1376 | Other | National tariff: 25 ct/call | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 1377 | Other | National tariff: 1 Eur/call | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 1378 | Other | National tariff: 50 ct/call | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 1379 | Other | National tariff: 50 ct/call | Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity. |
DE | 49 | 164 | Other | Paging services | |
DE | 49 | 168 | Other | Paging services | |
DE | 49 | 169 | Other | Paging services | |
DE | 49 | 1801 | Shared-Cost Numbers | National tariff: 3.9 ct/min | Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country. |
DE | 49 | 1802 | Shared-Cost Numbers | National tariff: 6 ct/call | Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country. |
DE | 49 | 1803 | Shared-Cost Numbers | National tariff: 9 ct/min | Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country. |
DE | 49 | 1804 | Shared-Cost Numbers | National tariff: 20 ct/call | Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country. |
DE | 49 | 1805 | Shared-Cost Numbers | National tariff: 14 ct/min | Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country. |
DE | 49 | 1806 | Shared-Cost Numbers | National tariff: 20 ct/call | Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country. |
DE | 49 | 1807 | Shared-Cost Numbers | National tariff: 30 seconds free, then 14 ct/min | Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country. |
DE | 49 | 181 | Other | Numbers for international virtual private networks (IVPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 182 | Other | Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 183 | Other | Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 184 | Other | Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 185 | Other | Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 186 | Other | Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 187 | Other | Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 188 | Other | Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 189 | Other | Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs) | |
DE | 49 | 32 | Other | National tariff: Maximum 9 ct/min | National subscriber numbers / Numbers that are used for services enabling access to public telecommunications networks and that are not tied to a specific location. |
DE | 49 | 700 | Other | National tariff: Maximum 9 ct/min | Personal numbers / Numbers that provide access to and from every telecommunications network under one number, irrespective of the location, terminal equipment, transmission mode or technology. |
DE | 49 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | National tariff: Free of charge | |
DE | 49 | 9001 | Premium-Rate numbers | National tariff: 0.69 Eur/min | Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number. |
DE | 49 | 9003 | Premium-Rate numbers | National tariff: 1.49 Eur/min | Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number. |
DE | 49 | 9005 | Premium-Rate numbers | National tariff: 1.99 Eur/min | Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number. |
DK | 45 | 801 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 802 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 803 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 804 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 805 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 806 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 807 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 808 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 809 | Freephone Numbers | ||
DK | 45 | 901 | Premium-Rate numbers | For more information on PRN, see https://sdfi.dk/digital-infrastruktur/telefoni/numre/90-numre | |
DK | 45 | 902 | Premium-Rate numbers | For more information on PRN, see https://sdfi.dk/digital-infrastruktur/telefoni/numre/90-numre | |
DK | 45 | 903 | Premium-Rate numbers | For more information on PRN, see https://sdfi.dk/digital-infrastruktur/telefoni/numre/90-numre | |
DK | 45 | 904 | Premium-Rate numbers | For more information on PRN, see https://sdfi.dk/digital-infrastruktur/telefoni/numre/90-numre | |
DK | 45 | 905 | Premium-Rate numbers | For more information on PRN, see https://sdfi.dk/digital-infrastruktur/telefoni/numre/90-numre | |
DK | 45 | 909 | Premium-Rate numbers | For more information on PRN, see https://sdfi.dk/digital-infrastruktur/telefoni/numre/90-numre | |
EE | 372 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | 7-10 digit numbers | |
EE | 372 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | 7-digit numbers | |
EE | 372 | 70 | Other | Personal number service. 8-digit numbers | |
EE | 372 | 1 | Other | Service short number. 3-6 digit numbers, both premium rate and free services are possible, accessible by voice call and/or SMS | |
EE | 372 | 901 | Other | 7-digit numbers. Internet access service | |
ES | 34 | 803 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digit voice. Adult exclusive services | |
ES | 34 | 806 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digit voice. Entertainment services | |
ES | 34 | 807 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digit voice. Professional services | |
ES | 34 | 905 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digit voice. Massive calls reception | |
ES | 34 | 118 | Other | 9 digit voice. Directory enquiry service | |
ES | 34 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | 9 digit voice | |
ES | 34 | 900 | Freephone Numbers | 9 digit voice. Non-geographical automatic and semi-automatic freephone service number | |
ES | 34 | 901 | Shared-Cost Numbers | 9 digit voice | |
ES | 34 | 902 | Other | 9 digit voice. Calling party pays. Bussiness information numbers | |
ES | 34 | 70 | Other | 9 digit voice. Personal numbering | |
ES | 34 | 1006 | Freephone Numbers | Civil protection. 4 digit short number | |
ES | 34 | 25 | Premium-Rate numbers | Regular premium SMS | 5 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 27 | Premium-Rate numbers | Regular premium SMS | 5 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 280 | Premium-Rate numbers | Solidarity premium SMS | 5 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 29 | Premium-Rate numbers | Regular premium SMS | 6 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 35 | Premium-Rate numbers | Regular premium SMS >1.2EUR and | 5 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 37 | Premium-Rate numbers | Regular premium SMS >1.2EUR and | 5 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 39 | Premium-Rate numbers | Regular premium SMS >1.2EUR and | 6 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 795 | Premium-Rate numbers | Subscription premium SMS | 6 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 797 | Premium-Rate numbers | Subscription premium SMS | 6 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 799 | Premium-Rate numbers | Subscription premium SMS | 7 digit SMS |
ES | 34 | 995 | Premium-Rate numbers | 6 digit SMS. Adult exclusive premium SMS | |
ES | 34 | 997 | Premium-Rate numbers | 6 digit SMS. Adult exclusive premium SMS | |
ES | 34 | 999 | Premium-Rate numbers | 7 digit SMS. Adult exclusive premium SMS premium | |
FI | 358 | 100 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group I | |
FI | 358 | 200 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group I | |
FI | 358 | 2020 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group I | |
FI | 358 | 2022 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group I | |
FI | 358 | 2023 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group I | |
FI | 358 | 300 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group I | |
FI | 358 | 600 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group II | |
FI | 358 | 601 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group I | |
FI | 358 | 602 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group II | |
FI | 358 | 7000 | Premium-Rate numbers | Service group III | |
FI | 358 | 7001 | Premium-Rate numbers | Service group IV | |
FI | 358 | 7003 | Premium-Rate numbers | Service group IV | |
FI | 358 | 7004 | Premium-Rate numbers | Service group IV | |
FI | 358 | 7005 | Premium-Rate numbers | Service group III | |
FI | 358 | 7007 | Premium-Rate numbers | Service group III | |
FI | 358 | 7008 | Premium-Rate numbers | Service group III | |
FI | 358 | 7009 | Premium-Rate numbers | Service group IV | |
FI | 358 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
FI | 358 | 900 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Service group I | |
FR | 33 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | free of charge | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 801 | Freephone Numbers | free of charge | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 802 | Freephone Numbers | free of charge | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 803 | Freephone Numbers | free of charge | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 804 | Freephone Numbers | free of charge | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 805 | Other | same as a call to a local French number | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 806 | Other | same as a call to a local French number | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 807 | Other | same as a call to a local French number | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 808 | Other | same as a call to a local French number | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 809 | Other | same as a call to a local French number | accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 81 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,050€ per minute or up to 0,125€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 82 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,167€ per minute or up to 0,417€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 836 | Premium-Rate numbers | unregulated | accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 860 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,050€ per minute (without VAT) | accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 868 | Premium-Rate numbers | unregulated | accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 89 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,667€ per minute or up to 2,50€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 10 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,667€ per minute or up to 2,50€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | 4-digits numbers, accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 30 | Freephone Numbers | free of charge | 4-digits numbers, accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 31 | Freephone Numbers | free of charge | 4-digits numbers, accessible by both voice call and text messaging |
FR | 33 | 32 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,667€ per minute or up to 2,50€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | 4-digits numbers, accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 34 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,667€ per minute or up to 2,50€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | 4-digits numbers, accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 36 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,667€ per minute or up to 2,50€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | 4-digits numbers, accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 39 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,667€ per minute or up to 2,50€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | 4-digits numbers, accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 118 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,667€ per minute or up to 2,50€ per call (without VAT) + cost of a call to a local French number | 6-digits numbers, accessible only by voice call |
FR | 33 | 30 | Other | same as a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 31 | Other | same as a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 32 | Other | same as a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 33 | Other | same as a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 34 | Other | same as a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 35 | Other | same as a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 37 | Other | same as a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 39 | Other | same as a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 4 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,04€ per message (without VAT) + cost of a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 5 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,17€ per message (without VAT) + cost of a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 6 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,42€ per message (without VAT) + cost of a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 7 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 0,83€ per message (without VAT) + cost of a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 8 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 3,75€ per message (without VAT) + cost of a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
FR | 33 | 9 | Premium-Rate numbers | up to 16,67€ per message (without VAT) + cost of a SMS to a mobile French number | 5-digits numbers, accessible only by text messaging (these numbers are part of French operators' private numbering plan) |
GR | 30 | 90 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
GR | 30 | 806 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
GR | 30 | 812 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
GR | 30 | 825 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
GR | 30 | 850 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
GR | 30 | 875 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
GR | 30 | 14 | Premium-Rate numbers | Short codes | |
GR | 30 | 198 | Premium-Rate numbers | Short codes | |
GR | 30 | 118 | Other | Short codes. Directory enquiry services | |
GR | 30 | 801 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
GR | 30 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
HR | 385 | 60 | Premium-Rate numbers | General services | |
HR | 385 | 609 | Premium-Rate numbers | Humanitarian services/Humanitarian aid | |
HR | 385 | 61 | Premium-Rate numbers | Televoting services | |
HR | 385 | 64 | Premium-Rate numbers | Adult Services | |
HR | 385 | 65 | Premium-Rate numbers | Prize game services | |
HR | 385 | 69 | Premium-Rate numbers | Services for Children 4 or 6 digits accessible only by voice call | |
HR | 385 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | Freephone services | |
HR | 385 | 118 | Premium-Rate numbers | Short number for Directory enquiry service | |
HU | 36 | 90 | Premium-Rate numbers | https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 91 | Premium-Rate numbers | https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 168 | Premium-Rate numbers | National only short numbers, https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 169 | Premium-Rate numbers | National only short numbers, https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 164 | Premium-Rate numbers | National only short numbers, https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 165 | Premium-Rate numbers | National only short numbers, https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 160 | Premium-Rate numbers | National only short numbers, https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 161 | Premium-Rate numbers | National only short numbers, https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 118 | Other | National only short numbers, https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 80 | Freephone Numbers | https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
HU | 36 | 14 | Freephone Numbers | National only short numbers, https://agapub.nmhh.hu/aga_web/setLanguageAction.action?request_locale=en | |
IE | 353 | 1530 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1540 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1550 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1560 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1570 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1580 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1590 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1598 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1599 | Premium-Rate numbers | Please note that 15XX numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.6 ("Premium Rate Service Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 118 | Other | Directory Enquiry Number Range. Please note that 118 numbers are National Only. Please see Section 5.2 ("Directory Enquiry Access Short Codes") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IE | 353 | 1800 | Freephone Numbers | Please note that 1800 numbers are National Only. Please see Section 4.3 ("Freephone Numbers") of ComReg's Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process document 15/136R3 as amended - see https://www.comreg.ie/publication-download/numbering-conditions-of-use-and-application-process-2 | |
IT | 39 | 12 | Other | Directory enquire service | |
IT | 39 | 178 | Other | Single or personal number services | |
IT | 39 | 199 | Other | Single or personal number services | |
IT | 39 | 455 | Other | Fundraising services for charitable purposes of social utility | |
IT | 39 | 499 | Other | Fundraising services for campaigns that promote participation in political life | |
IT | 39 | 84 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
IT | 39 | 89 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
IT | 39 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
IT | 39 | 803 | Freephone Numbers | ||
LI | 423 | 18 | Other | telephone directory enquiry services. short code (3 or 4 digits) | |
LI | 423 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
LT | 370 | 700 | Other | Service numbers | |
LT | 370 | 705 | Other | Televoting services | |
LT | 370 | 706 | Other | Government institutions services | |
LT | 370 | 707 | Other | Corporate networks | |
LT | 370 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
LT | 370 | 801 | Other | Dial-up Internet access | |
LT | 370 | 802 | Other | Calls at the expense of the recipient | |
LT | 370 | 808 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
LT | 370 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
LT | 370 | 901 | Other | Dial-up Internet access | |
LT | 370 | 902 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
LT | 370 | 903 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
LT | 370 | 909 | Premium-Rate numbers | Adult Services | |
LT | 370 | 910 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
LU | 352 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | premium rate services (billing by time or paying per call) | |
LU | 352 | 901 | Premium-Rate numbers | premium rate services (billing by time or paying per call) | |
LU | 352 | 905 | Premium-Rate numbers | premium rate services (billing by time or paying per call) | |
LV | 371 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | 8 digits | |
LV | 371 | 81 | Shared-Cost Numbers | 8 digits | |
LV | 371 | 90 | Premium-Rate numbers | 8 digits | |
LV | 371 | 78 | Other | 8 digits | |
MT | 356 | 115 | Other | The range 115X is dedicated for 4-digit short codes used for the provision of operator services. Charges are commercially established. For further information, kindly refer to the Short Code Matrix available at https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 118 | Other | The range 118X is dedicated for 4-digit short codes used for the provision of directory enquiry services. Charges are commercially established. For further information, kindly refer to the Short Code Matrix available at https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 50037 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium Rate Services (SMS only). For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 50043 | Premium-Rate numbers | Legacy Premium Rate Services (Voice only).For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 506 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium Rate Services (SMS only).For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 5070 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium Rate Services (SMS only).For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 5090 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium Rate Services (SMS only).For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 5091 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium Rate Services (SMS only).For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 51 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium Rate Services (Voice only). For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 52 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium Rate Services (Voice only). For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 54 | Premium-Rate numbers | Premium Rate Services (Voice only).For further information on Malta's Framework for Premium Rate Services, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80002 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from both fixed and mobile lines. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80034 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80036 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80037 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80049 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80062 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80065 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80072 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80073 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80074 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80075 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80076 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80078 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
MT | 356 | 80090 | Freephone Numbers | Domestic calls to this range are free for callers from fixed lines but may be charged at a rate not exceeding that for a call to a local fixed network in the case of mobile callers. For further information on Malta's Framework for Freephone Services in the 800 range, kindly visit https://www.mca.org.mt/regulatory/numbering/numbering-plans | |
NL | 31 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | national retail max. EUR 0.00 | |
NL | 31 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | national retai lmin. EUR 0.00 max. EUR 1.20 per minute or min. EUR 0.10 max. EUR 2.00 per call | |
NL | 31 | 906 | Premium-Rate numbers | national retai lmin. EUR 0.00 max. EUR 1.20 per minute or min. EUR 0.10 max. EUR 2.00 per call | |
NL | 31 | 909 | Premium-Rate numbers | national retai lmin. EUR 0.00 max. EUR 1.20 per minute or min. EUR 0.10 max. EUR 2.00 per call | |
NO | 47 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
NO | 47 | 820 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
NO | 47 | 822 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
NO | 47 | 829 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
NO | 47 | 18 | Other | Direct Enquiry Services | |
PL | 48 | 700 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digits numbers | |
PL | 48 | 701 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digits numbers | |
PL | 48 | 703 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digits numbers | |
PL | 48 | 704 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digits numbers | |
PL | 48 | 708 | Premium-Rate numbers | 9 digits numbers | |
PL | 48 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | 9 digits numbers | |
PL | 48 | 801 | Shared-Cost Numbers | 9 digits numbers | |
PT | 351 | 601 | Other | Audiotext service (general content). https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1151642 | |
PT | 351 | 607 | Other | Audiotext service (voting). https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1151642 | |
PT | 351 | 608 | Other | Audiotext services (sales). https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1151642 | |
PT | 351 | 646 | Other | Audiotext services (contest and hobbies). https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1151642 | |
PT | 351 | 648 | Other | audiotext services (erotic). https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1151642 | |
PT | 351 | 707 | Other | Universal acess service. https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1497872 | |
PT | 351 | 708 | Other | Universal acess service. https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1497872 | |
PT | 351 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
PT | 351 | 808 | Shared-Cost Numbers | https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1497872 | |
PT | 351 | 809 | Shared-Cost Numbers | https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1497872 | |
PT | 351 | 760 | Other | Flat rate tariff service | |
PT | 351 | 761 | Other | Flat rate tariff service. https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=442608 | |
PT | 351 | 762 | Other | Flat rate tariff service. https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=442608 | |
RO | 40 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
RO | 40 | 801 | Shared-Cost Numbers | Shared costs numbers. Universal access numbers | |
RO | 40 | 805 | Other | Numbers for burst traffic services | |
RO | 40 | 808 | Other | Numbers for indirect access to services | |
RO | 40 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | Miscellaneous information (general, business, marketing, utility-related etc.), entertainment, games and contests | |
RO | 40 | 903 | Premium-Rate numbers | Miscellaneous information (general, business, marketing, utility-related etc.), entertainment, games and contests | |
RO | 40 | 906 | Premium-Rate numbers | Adult entertainment | |
RO | 40 | 118 | Other | Directory enquiry service | |
RO | 40 | 19 | Other | Public interest services at a national level and general interest services | |
SE | 46 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
SE | 46 | 944 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
SE | 46 | 939 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
SE | 46 | 99 | Other | Mass call service | |
SE | 46 | 77 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SE | 46 | 20 | Freephone Numbers | ||
SI | 386 | 80 | Freephone Numbers | Different numbers have different tariffs. It is also not necessary for the end user to be able to call a value-added number while roaming. | |
SI | 386 | 90 | Premium-Rate numbers | Different numbers have different tariffs. It is also not necessary for the end user to be able to call a value-added number while roaming. | |
SK | 421 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 900 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 97 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 98 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 85 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 86 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 87 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 881 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 882 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 883 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 884 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 885 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 886 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 887 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 889 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
SK | 421 | 89 | Shared-Cost Numbers | ||
IS | 354 | 800 | Freephone Numbers | ||
IS | 354 | 90 | Premium-Rate numbers | ||
IS | 354 | 18 | Premium-Rate numbers | Directory services | |
IS | 354 | 17 | Other | Local call | Public services, non-emergency |
ES | 34 | 10 | Other | 3 digit short number. Council hotline | |
ES | 34 | 11 | Other | 3 digit short number. Traffic services' hotline | |
ES | 34 | 12 | Other | 3 digit short number. Citizen information services | |
ES | 34 | 16 | Other | 3 digit short number. Freephone number. Gender violence hotline | |
ES | 34 | 17 | Other | 3 digit short number. Cyber delinquency hotline | |
ES | 34 | 24 | Other | 3 digit short number. Freephone number. Suicidal Behaviour Hotline | |
ES | 34 | 60 | Other | 3 digit short number. General Government Administration | |
ES | 34 | 61 | Other | 3 digit short number. Health services' hotline | |
ES | 34 | 62 | Other | 3 digit short number. Emergencies hotline | |
ES | 34 | 65 | Other | 3 digit short number. Freephone number. Pepople with dependency needs | |
ES | 34 | 80 | Other | 3 digit short number. Local Fire department hotline | |
ES | 34 | 85 | Other | 3 digit short number. Freephone number. Regional Fire department hotline | |
ES | 34 | 88 | Other | 3 digit short number. Freephone number. Regional police | |
ES | 34 | 91 | Other | 3 digit short number. National police | |
ES | 34 | 92 | Other | 3 digit short number. Local police | |
DE | 49 | 9000 | Premium-Rate numbers | National tariff: 0.49 Eur/min | Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number. |
DE | 49 | 9002 | Premium-Rate numbers | National tariff: 0.99 Eur/min | Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number. |
DE | 49 | 9007 | Premium-Rate numbers | National tariff: 2.49 Eur/min | Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number. |
DE | 49 | 9008 | Premium-Rate numbers | National tariff: 2.99 Eur/min | Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number. |
Emergency information
Country | Means of Access | Description | Download Link | Additional Information |
AT | Emergency calls (voice) | 112 European emergency number (Police). 122 Fire brigade. 144 Ambulance. 140 Mountain rescue | ||
AT | Emergency applications | 112 European emergency number (Police). 122 Fire brigade. 144 Ambulance. 140 Mountain rescue | https://app.dec112.at/ | |
AT | Messaging | text based emergency call | https://app.dec112.at/ | |
BE | Messaging | Texting to urgent medical assistance and texting to urgent police assistance | 4-digit numbers are used , distributed through deaf- and hearing impaired representative organisations to their membership or through requesting the information from the emergency service (use contacts mentioned on the website) or 112@ibz.fgov.be , information --> https://www.112.be/ | |
BE | Messaging | Application "App 112 BE" allowing access to urgent medical assistance, urgent police assistance and fire department , has a chat-function for deaf and hearing impaired and speech impaired. | The app has enhanced location (using GNSS) , allows for communicating additional (medical) information when emergency communication is set up. "app store" or "play store" , enter "app 112 be" as search item , download and register. | |
BG | Emergency calls (voice) | 112 European emergency number | ||
BG | Emergency applications | Mobile application for Android platform | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bg.mvr.help112 | The service is free of charge for the citizens. The application provides to Bulgarian and foreign citizens with hearing and/or speech disabilities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria a quick and easy access to the 112 Emergency number. It is necessary that the users register into the application by following the registration steps. Once the registration is active, the users can sign in the application, and in case of emergency to make a connection (establish a chat session) with an operator of the 112 Emergency number. |
BG | Emergency applications | Mobile application for iOS platform | https://apps.apple.com/bg/app/112-bulgaria/id1450618524 | The service is free of charge for the citizens. The application provides to Bulgarian and foreign citizens with hearing and/or speech disabilities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria a quick and easy access to the 112 Emergency number. It is necessary that the users register into the application by following the registration steps. Once the registration is active, the users can sign in the application, and in case of emergency to make a connection (establish a chat session) with an operator of the 112 Emergency number. |
BG | Emergency applications | Mobile application for a web based web browser application for stationary and mobile computers. | https://112.mvr.bg/#/sign-in | The service is free of charge for the citizens. The application provides to Bulgarian and foreign citizens with hearing and/or speech disabilities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria a quick and easy access to the 112 Emergency number. It is necessary that the users register into the application by following the registration steps. Once the registration is active, the users can sign in the application, and in case of emergency to make a connection (establish a chat session) with an operator of the 112 Emergency number. |
CZ | Messaging | Emergency SMS for roaming end-users are available on dedicated long number +420 720 000 112. | Emergency SMS for end-users roaming are available provided that outgoing SMS are not blocked by the service provider for objective technical reasons and a SIM card is inserted in the end device. | |
CZ | Emergency calls (voice) | 112 Single European Emergency Number. 150 Fire Brigade. 155 Emergency Medical Service (Ambulance). 158 Police | ||
CY | Emergency calls (voice) | Voice Calls to 112 (Police, Ambulance and Fire Department) | ||
DE | Emergency Calls (Voice) | 110 | national emergency number for emergencies requiring the police | |
DE | Emergency Calls (Voice) | 112 | single european emergency number | |
DK | Messaging | Long number for persons with disabilities allowing them to text the PSAP instead of calling. | The long number is not made public but informed via a handicap organisation upon request. Therefore, while technically usable by roaming customers, the long number is practically not available to roaming customers at present due to the request process and lack of publicity surrounding the long number. | |
DK | Emergency calls (voice) | 112 Emergency calls (voice) for reaching Police, Fire brigade and Ambulance | https://www.brs.dk/en/what-you-can-do/in-case-of-an-emergency/1-1-2-and-other-useful-phone-numbers/ | |
EE | Emergency Calls (Voice) | 112 European emergency number | In addition to 112 domestic numbers, the Emergency Centre has an emergency number 6000112, which can be called from outside Estonia. | |
EE | Emergency Calls (Voice) | The Emergency Centre also operates a 24/7 national information telephone number 1247, which offers information and advice in situations where life, health and property are not at risk. | This short number also has a long number 6001247 for calling from abroad. | |
ES | Emergency applications | A video call via an App, PC or other means is stablished with an interpreter, who in turn calls appropriate PSAP. Chat is also possible. More information at https://svisual.org/indexSSL.html | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.CESTEL.FCNSEMobileAppDroid&hl… | Android, videocalls |
ES | Emergency applications | A video call via an App, PC or other means is stablished with an interpreter, who in turn calls appropriate PSAP. Chat is also possible. More information at https://svisual.org/indexSSL.html | https://apps.apple.com/es/ app/svisual/id600574299 | Apple, videocall |
ES | Emergency applications | An app allows to report incident regarding disabled end-users | ||
ES | Emergency applications | An app allows to report incident regarding disabled end-users | ||
FI | Emergency applications | 112 Suomi application allows users to make emergency voice calls. | https://112.fi/en/112-suomi-application | |
FI | Messaging | Available for all user groups with Finnish mobile connections, roaming access under development | SMS messages are allowed for preregistered users to the number 112. | |
FI | Emergency Calls (Voice) | 112 European emergency number | ||
FR | Emergency calls (voice) | 112, 15, 17, 18, 115, 119, 116000, 116117, 191, 196, 197 | https://www.arcep.fr/mes-demarches-et-services/consommateurs/fiches-pratiques/j… | |
FR | Emergency applications | 114 | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.urgence114.urgence114&utm_sour… | |
FR | Emergency applications | 114 | https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/114/id1437499014 | |
FR | Total conversation | 114 | https://www.info.urgence114.fr/ | |
FR | Real time text | 114 | https://www.info.urgence114.fr/ | |
FR | Messaging | 114 | ||
GR | Emergency Calls (Voice) | Voice call to 112. Other emergency numbers are also available. | https://civilprotection.gov.gr/112 | Additionaly to transfering calls depending on the case to Police, Fire brigade, Emergency Medical Services, Hellenic Coast Guard, 112 also transfers the calls to European Hotline for Missing Children. |
GR | Messaging | Email - European Emergency Number 112 | mail to contact@112.gov.gr, or contact@112.gr . The PSAP doesn't automatically receive the sender's location.The sender should state his/her location in the email. No pre-registration is needed. | |
HR | Messaging | Emergency SMS for roaming end-users are available on a dedicated long number (+385 98 8100 112). | The SMS from any part of the teritory of Croatia is received at the Civil Protection Operations Centre. It is responsible to comunicate with SMS end-user and territorially responsible PSAP which alerts emergency services. Croatian telecom providers have informed their roaming partners that calls / messages to 112 (full number +385988100112) in Croatia are not charged, but the billing still depends on the roaming partner. | |
HR | Emergency Calls (Voice) | 112 - European emergency number | ||
HU | Emergency Calls (Voice) | Emergency Calls (Voice) call to 112: from landline and mobile phones to contact any emergency service: an ambulance, the fire brigade or the police. A specially trained operator will answer any 112 call. | ||
IE | Emergency calls (voice) | 112 European emergency number | ||
LI | Emergency calls (voice) | 112 European emergency number. 117 Police. 118 Fire brigade. 143 Helping hand (in german "Dargebotene Hand"). 144 Ambulance. 145 Tox info. 147 Helpline for children and young people. | ||
LI | Emergency applications | 112 European emergency number. 117 Police. 118 Fire brigade. 144 Ambulance | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=li.landespolizei.polizeiFl | |
LI | Emergency applications | 112 European emergency number. 117 Police. 118 Fire brigade. 144 Ambulance | https://apps.apple.com/ch/app/polizei-fl/id524685374 | |
LT | Other | SMS to number 112 | Customers of national mobile networks can contact emergency services by sending SMS message to number 112 without any prie-registration. 112 SMS service is limited to Lithuanian SIM cards users only due to limitations of mobile networks | |
LT | Emergency Calls (Voice) | Emergency Emergency Calls (Voice) call to number 112 | ||
LT | Other | 112 eCall | ||
LU | Emergency calls (voice) | 112 European emergency number. 12112 European emergency number. 113 Police. 12113 Police | ||
LU | Other | SMS to 112 | ||
LU | Emergency applications | GouvAlert.lu (Google Play) | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lu.ctie.gouvalertlu | |
LU | Emergency applications | GouvAlert.lu (Apple) | https://apps.apple.com/de/app/gouvalert-lu/id1299114216 | |
LU | Other | Fax to 112 | ||
LV | Emergency applications | Emergency applications | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vp.manadrosiba&hl=lv | The purpose of the “Mana drosiba" app is to take care of the safety of every resident of Latvia in both road traffic and the Internet. In addition to the ability to send messages and coordinates, the "Mana drosiba" app includes several features that can be useful to everyone. In the "Drosiba satiksme" section, you can learn about the behavior of different road traffic situations that can be encountered by any road user. The "Drosiba interneta" section, on the other hand, is dedicated to security issues related to the Internet environment. |
LV | Emergency applications | Emergency applications | https://apps.apple.com/lv/app/mana-dro%C5%A1%C4%ABba/id1012389608 | The purpose of the “Mana drosiba" app is to take care of the safety of every resident of Latvia in both road traffic and the Internet. In addition to the ability to send messages and coordinates, the “Mana drosiba" app includes several features that can be useful to everyone. In the "Drosiba satiksme" section, you can learn about the behavior of different road traffic situations that can be encountered by any road user. The "Drosiba interneta" section, on the other hand, is dedicated to security issues related to the Internet environment. |
LV | Messaging | SMS as a part of Public Warning in the case of the emergency situation | SMS (text provided by the services involved in solving of emergency situtation) is sent by the operators to their customers/abonents in case of the emergency situation. | |
LV | Relay services | SMS to 112 | Accessible to customers of Latvian teleoperators. | |
MT | Emergency applications | iOS App | https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ 112mt/id1199470896?mt=8&uo=4 | |
MT | Emergency applications | Android App | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mt.gov.my112 | |
MT | Messaging | SMS - +356 79770112 | ||
NL | Emergency applications | 112NL APP For all kind of users voice, video, photo and chatfunction which translates 109 languages into Dutch | https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/ alarmnummer-112/vraag-en-antwoord/112-… | 112NL app is found in both Google Playstore and Apple's Appstore |
NL | Relay services | speech, text or video | SIP: teletolk@kpnteletolk.nl. By means of Tolkcontact-app, found in both Playstore and Appstore | |
NO | Emergency applications | Private Apps | https://norskluftambulanse.no/hjelp113/ | Information on access for roamers to be updated/considered |
NO | Messaging | SMS to emergency numbers | https://nodsms.no/ | Due to technical challenges of roaming for short numbers, roaming end-users may use the following long Norwegian numbers to acces the emergency SMS-service Fire: +4759555110. Police: +4759555112. Medical Emerengcy: +4759555113 |
NO | Relay services | Relay service to emergency services | https://www.teksttelefon.no/ | The availability for roamers is subject to discussion with Telenor |
PL | Emergency applications | App Alarm 112 is intended to report all category incidents. Its dedicated for all end-users, including end-users with disabilities. The modular structure of the application makes it possible to select information describing the emergency event by means of pictograms, send a notification of such event to a PSAP and review the history of notifications. The graphical user interface is based on pictograms developed with the involvement of deaf people and emergency call takers. To use the mobile application, it is necessary to download it free of charge and register (only for users with polish prefix numbers +48). The application is available for Android operating system. This emergency application includes functions: App messaging and App real time text. Registration to application for users of foreign mobile networks (other than 0048 phone prefix number) will be available from 1st of June 2023. | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.help.deafhelp | Additional information available on website: https://www.gov.pl/web/mswia-en/alarm112-mobile-application |
PL | Emergency applications | App Alarm 112 is intended to report all category incidents. Its dedicated for all end-users, including end-users with disabilities. The modular structure of the application makes it possible to select information describing the emergency event by means of pictograms, send a notification of such event to a PSAP and review the history of notifications. The graphical user interface is based on pictograms developed with the involvement of deaf people and emergency call takers. To use the mobile application, it is necessary to download it free of charge and register (only for users with polish prefix numbers +48). The application is available for Android operating system. This emergency application includes functions: App messaging and App real time text. Registration to application for users of foreign mobile networks (other than 0048 phone prefix number) will be available from 1st of June 2023. | https://apps.apple.com/pl/app/alarm-112/id1494297585 | Additional information available on website: https://www.gov.pl/web/mswia-en/alarm112-mobile-application |
PL | Emergency calls (voice) | 112 is an emergency number which is available free of charge throughout the European Union, both from landlines and mobile phones. The emergency number 112 can be dialled from a phone without a SIM card. Emergency calls to 112 are received at Emergency Notification Centres by emergency number operators, who are in charge of the classification of the call and who make a parallel dispatch to the most appropriate energency serices. | https://www.gov.pl/web/mswia-en/emergency-number-112 | |
PT | Emergency applications | For deaf people trough text (Google play) | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.cordova.mai112pt&hl=en&gl=US | Available at google play - MAI112 |
PT | Emergency applications | For deaf people trough text (Apple) | https://apps.apple.com/pt/app/ mai112/id1486324916?l=en | Available at apple store - MAI112 |
RO | Emergency calls (voice) | 1. Voice calls to the emergency number 112. 2. The VoWiFi functionality allows placing a call to 112 when the mobile operator's network does not have coverage. In this case, the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) technology is used which enables the provision of voice services via a Wi-Fi network. | ||
RO | Emergency applications | Call 112 ("Apel 112") is the application developed by the national emergency call service administrator, for mobile phones with Android and iOS systems, able to read the location information generated by the existing location services on the phone and transmit the geographical position of the phone to the 112 System. The application uses the data connection (Internet) and the location service of the mobile phone to transmit to the 112 System the location information in AML (Advanced Mobile Location) format, containing the geographical coordinates of the mobile phone. | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.sts.apel112 | The app is free of charge and can be downloaded to phones from Google Play and AppStore. |
RO | Emergency applications | Call 112 ("Apel 112") is the application developed by the national emergency call service administrator, for mobile phones with Android and iOS systems, able to read the location information generated by the existing location services on the phone and transmit the geographical position of the phone to the 112 System. The application uses the data connection (Internet) and the location service of the mobile phone to transmit to the 112 System the location information in AML (Advanced Mobile Location) format, containing the geographical coordinates of the mobile phone. | https://apps.apple.com/ro/app/apel-112/id1444872263 | The app is free of charge and can be downloaded to phones from Google Play and AppStore. |
SE | Emergency applications | Mobile applications (Android and Apple) for emergency voice calls to 112. | https://www.sosalarm.se/trygghet/112appen/ | |
SE | Messaging | Contact directly through SMS to application in SOS Alarms technical operational system, Coordcom | https://www.sosalarm.se/trygghet/viktiga-telefonnummer/112/112-for-tal--och-hor… | |
SE | Relay services | An End-user can contact the Swedish Relay Services: Video Relay Service, Text Relay Service and Speech-to-speech Relay Service. The relay services can be used for emergency communication to 112. The Text Relay Service can be called with SIP-addresses, mobile applications (Android and Apple) & web application, and for the person using hearing and Emergency Calls (Voice) with telephone numbers. | https://www.texttelefoni.se/ | |
SE | Relay services | An End-user can contact the Swedish Relay Services: Video Relay Service, Text Relay Service and Speech-to-speech Relay Service. The relay services can be used for emergency communication to 112. The Video Relay Service can be called with SIP-addresses, mobile applications (Android and Apple) & web application, and for the person using hearing and Emergency Calls (Voice) with telephone numbers. | https://www.bildtelefoni.net | |
SE | Relay services | An End-user can contact the Swedish Relay Services: Video Relay Service, Text Relay Service and Speech-to-speech Relay Service. The relay services can be used for emergency communication to 112. | ||
Speech-to-speech | Relay | Service | can | be |
SE | Real time text | Not as roaming using the national or international numbering plan. | ||
SE | Total conversation | Not as roaming using the national or international numbering plan. | ||
SI | Other | The mobile application allows you to receive alerts or alarms about imminent dangers of natural and other disasters in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. Informing and alarming people, which comes under the jurisdiction of the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief of the Republic of Slovenia (ACPDR) is one of the services of the emergency call 112 - Reverse 112, which complements other services to ensure greater safety of people. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.genasys.pssdev.sloveniaprod | https://112opozorilo.sos112.si | |
SK | Emergency applications | Emergency calls (voice) 112 Single European Emergency Number, 150 Fire Brigade, 155 Emergency Medical Service, 158 Police | ||
IS | Emergency calls (voice) | "112" for medical, police and fire emergencies | ||
IS | Emergency applications | "112" app. Real time text chat. Report location and deaf specific user interface design | https://www.112.is/en/112-appid | |
IS | Real time text | "112" Real time text webchat | https://www.112.is/en/spjall | |
IT | Relay services | 112 Sordi - The 112 Sordi system allows equivalent access for deaf citizens to the emergency services. By calling the dedicated number 800 800 112, citizens receive a link, from the 1st level PSAPs of the Piedmont region. Via the link the deaf citizens can access a text chat supported by specifically designed pictograms to facilitate the dialogue between the emergency operators and the end users. The pictograms where defined in collaboration with the National Deaf Association. All the requests at national level for the "112 Sordi" system are managed by the 1st level PSAPs of the Piedmont Region which acts as a relay service intermediating the conversation with all the competent emergency response organizations. The location of the call is terminal based. | https://112sordi.it | The system can be reached via phone by calling the number 800.800.112 (free of charge).Users can optionally register to the platform adding informations that can facilitate rescue operations. The informations available at the link https://112sordi.it are available in Italian, English, French, Deutsch. Videos giving the informations in the sign languages are available for the same linguages indicated. |
IT | Emergency applications | Flag Mii - Through the APP it is possible to establish a chat window with the first level PSAP Operator who will intermediate the contact between the user and the emergency services needed. Since October 2019 the APP is available for the disabled users on the whole italian territory. For the "FlagMii" App, the PSAPs 1 of the Piedmont Region are in charge of managing the emergency communications and of contacting the relevant emergency response organization. | https://itunes.apple.com/it/app/ flagmii/id658216360?mt=8 | In Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=regola.flagmii&hl=it |
IT | Emergency applications | Where Are U - The end-user can place a call selecting, through a button, the most appropriate PSAP2 | ||
PT | Messaging | Emergency SMS for deaf end-users is available on a dedicated long number (+351) 961010200 | For deaf people trough SMS | |
RO | Other | The eCall System enables the placing of an emergency call from inside the vehicle to the 112 System. This call can be placed automatically, through the activation of a set of in-vehicle sensors or manually, and it is established through mobile wireless communications networks, sending a standardised minimum set of data (MSD) and establishing an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate public safety answering point. |
Hazard notices
Country | Means of Access | Type of PWS | Link to PWS Description | Link to PWS Download | Additional Information |
BE | Location-based SMS | https://www.be-alert.be | https://www.be-alert.be | website available in dutch, french, german and english, a user can register his phone and email to receive targeted messages additional to messages of Location-based SMS system. | |
BE | Location-based SMS | https://ibz.be/nl/veiligheid#links | the system is under construction | ||
BE | Other | https://www.be-alert.be | |||
BG | BG-ALERT is a system for distributing messages to alert the population in case of dangerous events via mobile networks to the end user devices, which support the Cell Broadcast Service technology. | Cell Broadcast | https://www.bg-alert.bg/#/about-us | ||
CZ | This emergency service is accessible to every person with a mobile device present in the targeted location at the time of broadcast. Neither application download nor user registration of any kind is required. | Location-based SMS | |||
DE | Cell Broadcast | ||||
DK | Emergency notifications, TV, radio, social media accounts and sirens. | Other | https://www.brs.dk/en/what-you-can-do/in-case-of-an-emergency/public-warnings-in-case-of-emergencies/ | Link 1 | |
DK | Mobile based warning | Cell broadcast | https://www.brs.dk/en/what -you-can-do/in-case-of-an- emergency/public-warnings-in-case-of-emergencies/ | Link 2 | |
ES | Warning notifications in a timely manner to mobile subscribers | Cell Broadcast | https://www.interior.gob.es/ opencms/gl/detalle/articulo/ Interior-activa-el-Sistema- de-Avisos-a-la-Poblacion- ante-emergencias-o-catastrofe/ | ||
ES | Warning notifications in a timely manner to mobile subscribers | Cell Broadcast | https://contrataciondelest ado.es/wps/portal/!ut/p/ b0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMn Mz0vMAfIjU1JTC3Iy87KtUlJ LEnNyUuNzMpMzSxKTgQr 0w_Wj9KMyU1zLcvQjgxwj8 3zcI8uy83KLqozdA1NMi8y CA21t9Qtycx0BLOwE5g!!/ | ||
FI | App | https://112.fi/en/112-suomi- application | |||
FI | Public Warning Sirens | Other | |||
FI | Radio/TV broadcast | Other | https://civilprotection.gov.gr/112 | Webpage of the Ministry for Climate Change and Civil Protection, with information about 112 and subscription form. CB is also enabled for roamers | |
FR | Cell Broadcast | ||||
GR | Smartphones set to allow reception of CB alerts | Cell Broadcast | |||
HR | mobile handsets | Cell Broadcast | sirens, radio and TV stations | ||
HR | mobile handsets | Location-based SMS | Legislation (only in Hungarian language): https://njt.hu/eli/UT/2020/BM/16. Location based PWS SMS will be sent from the following numbers depending on the visited network: 1840 (short number), or +36705511200. | ||
HR | Other | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.rsoe.android.bm_okf_push&hl=hu | For the use of the VESZ application: 1) no pre-registration is needed 2) the knowledge of Hungarian language is needed 3) further upgrade of the application for roamers is in progress | ||
HU | SMS | Location-based SMS | https://apps.apple.com/hu/app/v%C3%A9sz/id763455946 | Liechtenstein is integrated into the swiss platform. Available in German, English, French, Italian | |
HU | VESZ Application | App | https://www.katasztrofave delem.hu/37/vesz | Liechtenstein is integrated into the swiss platform. Available in German, English, French, Italian | |
HU | VESZ Application | App | https://www.katasztrofave delem.hu/37/vesz | https://apps.apple.com/ch/app/alertswiss/id957339177 | |
LI | Website "Alert Swiss" | Other | https://www.alert.swiss/en/home.html | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.admin.babs.alertswiss | |
LI | App "Alert Swiss" | App | |||
LI | App "Alert Swiss" | App | |||
LT | SMS | Cell Broadcast | https://e-seimas.lrs.lt/portal/legalAct/lt/TAD/7cada65042bf11e59cf1cfda14b526c5 | ||
LT | Public Warning Sirens | Other | https://lt72.lt/ | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lu.ctie.gouvalertlu | |
LU | N/A | Cell Broadcast | https://apps.apple.com/de/app/gouvalert-lu/id1299114216 | ||
LU | App | App | https://infocrise.public.lu/ en/gouvalert.html | SMS as a part of Public Warning in the case of the emergency situation. SMS (text provided by the services involved in solving of emergency situtation) is sent by the operators to their customers/abonents in case of the emergency situation. | |
LU | App | App | https://infocrise.public.lu/ en/gouvalert.html | ||
LV | Messaging | Other | |||
MT | Mobile | Cell Broadcast | Alert RCB – SMS warning system, available for citizens in case of local threats. | ||
NL | Automatic | Cell Broadcast | https://crisis.nl/nl-alert/english/ | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mswia.rso | System (RSO -Regionalny System Ostrzegania - Regional Warning System) for citizens in case of major emergencies is being developed. |
PL | Text messages (Alert RCB) sends information about the threat to mobile networks operators, who immediately forward it to their subscribers. Anyone who has a mobile phone switched on, if present within the emergency messaging area (the "danger zone"), will receive a short text message (SMS) informing about the type of threat. | Location-based SMS | https://www.gov.pl/web/rcb/alert-rcb---najwazniejsze-pytania-i-odpowiedzi | https://apps.apple.com/pl/app/regionalny-system-ostrzegania/id1326612339 | System (RSO -Regionalny System Ostrzegania - Regional Warning System) for citizens in case of major emergencies is being developed. |
PL | Available by downloading free of charge | App | https://www.gov.pl/web/mswia/regionalny-system-ostrzegania | https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/rso-regionalny-system-ostrzegania/9NQ6DRCFBCTN?hl=pl-pl&gl=pl | System (RSO -Regionalny System Ostrzegania - Regional Warning System) for citizens in case of major emergencies is being developed. |
PL | Available by downloading free of charge | App | https://www.gov.pl/ web/mswia/regionalny- system-ostrzegania | Alert RCB – SMS warning system, available for citizens in case of local threats. | |
PL | Available by downloading free of charge | App | https://www.gov.pl/ web/mswia/regionalny- system-ostrzegania | SMS warning system, available for citizens in case of local threats. Sent by the operators to their customers/roamers (in) in case of the emergency situation. | |
PL | Text messages (Alert RCB) sends information about the threat to mobile networks operators, who immediately forward it to their subscribers. Anyone who has a mobile phone switched on, if present within the emergency messaging area (the "danger zone"), will receive a short text message (SMS) informing about the type of threat. | Location-based SMS | https://www.gov.pl/web/rcb/alert-rcb---najwazniejsze-pytania-i-odpowiedzi | ||
PT | N/A | Location-based SMS | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.iconsult.dsu | The app is free of charge and can be downloaded to phones from Google Play and AppStore. | |
RO | RO-ALERT system allows sending Cell Broadcast messages to warn and alert citizens in case of emergency, according to the legal provisions. | Cell Broadcast | https://ro-alert.ro/en/about-ro-alert/ | https://apps.apple.com/ro/app/dsu/id1052761007 | The app is free of charge and can be downloaded to phones from Google Play and AppStore. |
RO | DSU is the application developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for mobile phones with Android and iOS systems, able to receive alerts from traffic, weather or natural calamity warnings. | App | https://fiipregatit.ro/ | https://www.sosalarm.se/trygghet/112appen/ | |
RO | DSU is the application developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for mobile phones with Android and iOS systems, able to receive alerts from traffic, weather or natural calamity warnings. | App | https://fiipregatit.ro/ | ||
SE | App | https://www.sosalarm.se/trygghet/112appen/ | At the moment not available, following cyber attack. | ||
SE | Location-based SMS | https://www.sosalarm.se/trygghet/viktigt-meddelande-till-allmanheten/ | |||
SI | Web, Google Play Store, App Store | App | https://112opozorilo.sos112.si | ||
SI | PW with sirens | Other | |||
SK | Civil defence warning signals sent out through sirens | Other | https://www.minv.sk/?varovanie-obyvatelstva-1 | IT-alert. The system uses the CAP (Common Alerting Protocol), in the Italian CAP-IT profile. The system can release the messages produced in an open format, always using other standard formats (json, rss), in order to be able in future to re-launch the IT-alert messages also on digital motorway billboards, control rooms, television but also on social networks. The system is currently in an experimental and testing phase and pilot region tests have been organized and are being organised. | |
IS | SMS pushed to all phones connected to cells in the vicinity of an event. | Cell Broadcast | |||
IT | Public | Cell Broadcast | https://www.it-alert.gov.it | ||
AT | Mobile based warning | Cell broadcast | https://www.at-alert.at |
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
I hvilke lande kan jeg bruge min EU-data?
Du kan bruge dit mobilabonnement med EU data i følgende lande:
Belgien, Bulgarien, Cypern (inkl. græsk del, ekskl. tyrkisk del), Estland, Finland, Frankrig (Fransk Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion), Færøerne, Grækenland, Holland, Island, Irland, Italien, Kroatien, Letland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxembourg, Malta, Norge, Polen, Portugal (inkl. Azorerne og Madeira) Rumænien, San Marino, Schweiz, Slovakiet, Slovenien, Spanien (Ceuta, De Kanariske Øer, Melilla), Storbritannien (inkl. Gibraltar, ekskl. Guernsey, Isle of Man og Jersey), Sverige, Tjekkiet, Tyskland, Ungarn og Østrig.
(World-mobilabonnement: Også Tyrkiet, Thailand og USA)
Hvorfor kan jeg ikke bruge alt inkluderet data i udlandet?
Den nye EU regulering betyder, at du kan tage din mobilpakke med til andre europæiske lande såsom Spanien, Tyskland og Italien uden at betale ekstra. Der er dog indført en såkaldt "fair use-begrænsning", som skal forhindre misbrug og sætte et loft for, hvad der er rimelig brug.
Med en datapakke med et givent antal GB i abonnementet, sættes der altså efter EU-reglerne et loft på, hvor meget af det inkluderede data, som kan bruges til EU-roaming.
Er der nogen begrænsning for hvor meget jeg må bruge mobilen uden for Danmark?
Ja, EU-kommissionen har defineret den såkaldte 50%-regel. Det betyder at du hovedsaligt skal bruge mobilen i Danmark, mindst 50% af tiden.
Call me må, hvis mobilen bruges mere uden for Danmark inden for en 4 måneders periode, opkræve en højere takst (EU-tillæg).
Hvis det sker vil du dog få en advarsel først, så du kan ændre dit forbrugsmønster inden der opkræves evt. tillæg. Du får dog 2 uger til at ændre dit forbrugsmønster.
Hvad betyder EU reguleringen?
Europa bliver roaming-frit fra 2017
Den 15. juni 2017 trådte EU´s nye regler kraft.
Aftalen er vedtaget indenfor EU’s grænser, og du kan altså tage din mobilpakke med til andre europæiske lande såsom Spanien, Tyskland og Italien uden at betale ekstra. Der er dog indført en såkaldt "fair use-begrænsning", som skal forhindre misbrug og sætte et loft for, hvad der er rimelig brug.
Vis flere
Kan jeg risikere at få store regninger selvom jeg har et EU abonnement?
Nej, Du har en indeholdt mængde data du kan bruge i EU.
Bruger du al den data i regningsperioden vil din telefon blive blokeret for data.
Du vil fremover have tre valgmuligheder:
- Blokere: Du kan vælge at blokere for data resten af din regningsperiode frem til den 10. i måneden
- Betale for forbrug: Fortsætte med at bruge data og betale pr. brugt MB
- Pakker: Købe en data-pakke der gælder resten af regningsperioden
Hvad er ROAMING?
Roaming er kort sagt trafik på et udenlandsk netværk.
Du har sikkert også hørt ordet "dataroaming", som sker, når din telefon trækker data ned fra internettet på en udenlandsk udbyders net for at opdatere apps og servere notifikationer.
For at gøre en lang historie kort, er roaming det, der sker, når din mobiltelefon med dansk SIM-kort automatisk selv finder et netværk i udlandet og derved låner en udenlandsk udbyders net.
Når den så har fundet dette netværk, opretter den blandt andet en dataforbindelse, hvorefter den selv vil fodre din telefon med Facebook opdateringer, Instagram likes, mails, vejrnyheder og så videre
Hvad hvis jeg vil bruge min telefon i hele verden?
Reguleringen omfatter kun telefoni i Europa. Men med vores World-abonnement kan du også bruge din data i Tyrkiet, Thailand og USA.
Jeg ønsker ikke nogen grænse for data og tale i udlandet?
Vi kan desværre ikke tilbyde dig at du får fri data i udlandet. Vi har et bredt udvalg af abonnementer med inkluderet forbrug I udlandet; bl.a. vores populære World-abonnement.
Du kan kan læse mere samt ændre abonnement på MIT CALL ME og på vores HJEMMESIDE.
Hvor meget data bruger jeg når jeg er i udlandet?
Du bruger ligeså meget data på at bruge tjenester i udlandet som du gør i Danmark.
Kan man så ringe fra Spanien til et Tysk nummer, uden mertakst?
Ja. Det vil sige, at hvis fx en dansk mobilkunde i Spanien ringer til en tysk mobilkunde i Frankrig, er hele kaldet omfattet af reguleringen.
Bemærk, at det ikke er det samme som, hvis en dansk mobilkunde ringer fra Danmark til en tysk mobilkunde i Tyskland. Denne situation er ikke omfattet reguleringen
Hvad koster det at sende en mms fra udlandet?
Det afhænger af dit abonnement og det land, som du befinder dig i. Du kan læse mere om vores udlandspriser her på siden.
Du kan se hvilket abonnement, du har på Mit Call me.
Jeg skal på ferie. Hvad skal jeg vide om EU-abonnementerne?
Vores EU-abonnementer giver dig mulighed for at bruge din mobil i Norden, Baltikum og hele EU - både til at surfe, snakke, sms'e og mms'e.
Husk, at du altid kan skifte til et af vores EU-abonnementer på Mit Call me, hvorefter dit nye abonnement træder i kraft inden for 24 timer.
Skal jeg gøre noget, hvis jeg skifter abonnement, mens jeg er i udlandet?
Hvis du skifter til et udlandsabonnement, mens du befinder dig i udlandet, virker det ikke altid med det samme. Hvis du følger denne guide, kan du bruge din mobil kort efter.
Hvilket mærke er din mobil?
- Apple: Gå i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Mobilnetværk
- Indstillinger til data
- Tale og data
- 2G
- Gå herefter i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Generelt
- Nulstil
- Nulstil netværksindstillinger
Mobilen genstarter nu.
- Gå herefter i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Operatør
- Slå Automatisk fra
- Du kan nu prøve de forskellige udbydere, og se om du kan fange signal. Det kan godt tage et par minutter, før der kommer signal, fra man har valgt netværk.
- Nu skal du rette tilbage til 3G/4G igen:
Gå i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Indstillinger til data
- Mobilnetværk
- Tale og data
- 3G/4G
- Gå i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Forbindelse
- Mobile netværk
- Netværkstilstanden
- Kun 2G
- Genstart telefonen
Nu genstarter mobilen.
- Gå herefter i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Forbindelse
- Mobile netværk
- Netværksoperatører
- Kun 2G
- Du kan nu prøve de forskellige udbydere, og se om du kan fange signal. Det kan godt tage et par minutter, før der kommer signal, fra man har valgt netværk.
- Nu skal du rette tilbage til 3G/4G igen:
Gå i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Forbindelse
- Mobile netværk
- Netværkstilstand
- Gå i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Mere
- Mobilnetværk
- Netværkstilstand
- Kun 2G
- Genstart telefonen
Nu genstarter mobilen.
- Gå herefter i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Mere
- Mobilnetværk
- Tjenesteudbydere
- Søg efter netværk
- Du kan nu prøve de forskellige udbydere, og se om du kan fange signal. Det kan godt tage et par minutter, før der kommer signal, fra man har valgt netværk.
- Nu skal du rette tilbage til 3G/4G igen:
Gå i Indstillinger og vælg:
- Mere
- Mobilnetværk
- Netværkstilstand
- 3G/4G
Hvad koster det at gå på internettet i udlandet?
Det afhænger af, hvilket land du befinder dig i, og hvilket abonnement du har. Du kan læse mere om priserne herunder.
Du kan se, hvilket abonnement du har på Mit Call Me.
Hvis du sender en SMS til 81111 med teksten "Forbrug", kan du se, hvor meget af din data, som du frit kan bruge i EU samt hvor meget du allerede har brugt.
Betaler jeg for at modtage opkald fra udlandet, når jeg er i Danmark?
Nej, det koster ikke noget at modtage opkald fra udlandet, hvis du er i Danmark.
Vi anbefaler dog ikke at ringe tilbage, til et nummer fra udlandet, hvis ikke du kender nummeret. Du skal også være opmærksom på, du vil blive opkrævet for at foretage opkald til udlandet.
Hvad koster det at ringe fra Danmark til udlandet?
Det afhænger af, hvilket land du ringer til.
Du kan hurtigt og nemt få et overblik over, hvad det koster at ringe fra Danmark til udlandet nedenfor
Hvad koster det at ringe fra udlandet?
Det afhænger blandt andet af, hvilket land du ringer fra og til. Derfor har vi samlet en oversigt, så du hurtigt og nemt kan få et overblik over priserne.
Ringer jeg gratis til Call me-numre i udlandet?
Ja, hvis du som Call me-kunde ringer til et Call me-nummer, der befinder sig i udlandet. Hvis du befinder dig inden for EU og ringer til et andet Call me nummer, uanset hvor han eller hun befinder sig, vil det ikke koste dig noget, såfremt du har et EU-abonnement.
Det er modtageren af opkaldet, som betaler en takst pr. minut for at besvare opkaldet, hvis han eller hun er uden for EU.
Er du i tvivl om hvor du kan bruge dit EU-abonnement, kan du læse mere om, hvor og hvor meget det vil koste dig at bruge din mobil, i vores udlandspriser.
Hvad koster det at modtage et opkald i udlandet?
Det kommer meget an på hvor du befinder dig.
Hvis du befinder dig inden for EU, koster det ikke noget at modtage et opkald, såfremt du har et EU-abonnement.
Hvis du besvarer et opkald , når du befinder dig uden for EU, så betaler du for at modtage samtalen.
Prisen afhænger af landet du befinder dig i, og det er derfor en god ide, at tjekke udlandspriserne, inden du tager ud at rejse.
Har I abonnementer, hvor jeg kan ringe gratis fra udlandet?
Ja, vi har EU-abonnementer, som du kan bruge i EU, Norden og Baltikum, så du trygt kan holde kontakten med dem derhjemme.
Du kan læse meget mere om hvor og hvordan i vores udlandspriser.
Hvis du allerede er kunde, kan du se vores abonnementer på Mit Call me og skifte imellem dem. Du skal bare:
- Logge på Mit Call me
- Klikke på "abonnementer"
- Klikke på "skift abonnement"
Hvis du ikke er kunde endnu, kan du besøge vores webshop, hvor du kan læse mere om vores EU-abonnementer.
Har I abonnementer, hvor jeg kan ringe gratis til udlandet?
Vi har desværre ingen abonnementer, hvor du kan ringe gratis til udenlandske numre, når du befinder dig i Danmark.
Du kan læse meget mere om hvad det koster at ringe til udlandet i vores udlandspriser.
Det koster dig ikke noget at ringe til danske numre, når du er i Danmark, såfremt du har inkluderet tale i dit abonnement. Er du i tvivl om du har inkluderet tale i dit abonnement, kan du altid se hvilket abonnement du har på Mit Call me.
- Log på Mit Call me
- Vælg Abonnement
- I dropdownmenuen, kan du vælge, hvilket nummer du vil se abonnementet for.
Jeg kan ikke komme på internettet med mit EU-abonnement. Hvad gør jeg?
Før du kan komme på internettet i udlandet med dit EU-abonnement, skal dataroaming være slået til på din mobil.
OBS: Nedenstående vejledninger er lavet til de nyeste softwareverisoner. Hvis du har en ældre softwareversion, kan din menu se lidt anderledes ud.
- Start med at gå i ”Indstillinger” – ”Mobilnetværk” – Klik på det mobilabonnement du vil redigere – slå ”Dataroaming” til.
- Herefter går du i ”Indstillinger” – ”Generelt” – ”Nulstil” og vælger ”Nulstil netværksindstillinger”.
- Start med at gå i ”Indstillinger” – ”Forbindelse” – ”Mobile netværk” – Slå "Dataroaming" til.
- Genstart mobilen.
- Start med at gå i ”Indstillinger” – ”Netværk og internet” – ”Mobilnetværk” – ”Roaming” og slå ”Roaming” til.
- Genstart mobilen.
- Start med at gå i ”Indstillinger” – ”Trådløs og netværk” – ”Mobilnetværk” – slå "Dataroaming" til.
- Genstart mobilen.
Hvis det ikke virker, kan du søge efter netværk manuelt under "netværksindstillinger" på din mobil. Du kan se i vores opsætningsguide, hvordan du kan søge manuelt efter netværk.